What Does an Electronic Pick-Pocketer Look Like?

  • by Chantal McCulligh

If spotting an electronic pickpocket was easy, electronic pickpocketing wouldn’t exist. Electronic pickpocketers have perfected the talent of inconspicuously stealing one’s identity and credit card information. Add in the fact that all it takes is a swipe of someone’s pocket with a handheld device, and many of us are just asking to be robbed.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to not only spot an electronic pickpocket but to also protect yourself from becoming a victim.

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What is Electronic Pickpocketing?

First, let’s talk about what electronic pickpocketing is. It’s exactly like traditional pickpocketing where someone reaches into another person’s pocket, backpack or purse and steals their wallet or prized possessions – only easier.

Technology has made it exceptionally easy for electronic pickpocketing to occur, as most cards are now made with RFID technology.   

Electronic pickpocketing is where someone uses a handful device to scan and store all of the information on your credit cards, passport and/or identification cards.

What’s shocking though is that this can be done through layers of fabric. So, even if you store your cards in a wallet in your pocket, you aren’t necessarily protected against electronic pickpocketing.


How to Spot an Electronic Pickpocket

Spotting an electronic pickpocketer isn’t always easy and many times, they don’t look like your typical “shade character”.  However, there are some pretty clear signs many of them give off that indicate that something suspicious might be going on. 

They Try to Create a Major Distraction

Is someone causing a huge scene or major distraction around you? Take a look around and make sure someone isn’t creeping up and scanning your pocket. Electronic pickpocketers will often create a distraction, such as spilling their bag of groceries over or falling. This allows their accomplice to come in from behind and swipe your info.

However, not all electronic pickpocketers have an accomplice. Sometimes, they Electronic pick pocket, electronic pickpocketing, electronic pickpocket, what does an electronic pick pocketer do, what does an electronic pick pocketer look what, how to pick pocket, how does someone pick pocket, carbon fiber wallet, carbon fiber passport cover,  leather passport covers, leather passport wallets, tactical pen, carbon fiber RFID wallet, men’s exotic leather, men’s accessories may create a distraction that causes people to crowd near them – and you guessed it, swipe, swipe, swipe!

Electronic Pickpocketers Try to Get Close to You

The unfortunate thing about electronic pickpocketing is that the person doesn’t have to get extremely close to you to steal your information. But they have to be close enough. So, if you notice that a stranger is waving his hands close to your handbag or pocket or standing unnecessarily close to you, don’t just excuse it as someone who doesn’t understand personal boundaries. They could be pickpocketing you electronically.


How to Protect Yourself Against Electronic Pickpocketing

Protecting yourself against electronic pickpocketing is just as easy as it is to do the crime. All they have to do is swipe your pocket, and all you have to do is ensure your belongings have RFID technology protection.

It’s strongly recommended to only use a carbon fiber RFID wallet to keep your information secure at all times, whenever and wherever you are. When traveling, you should store your passport in an RFID leather passport cover to block out those electronic data transfers.  Yes, it’s that simple.


Although you only need to use two items – a carbon fiber RFID wallet and a RFID leather passport cover – the options are endless. Cold Fire has an incredible collection of durable, exotic leather RFID men’s accessories that are definitely worth your time.


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